Rhodes Perry Rhodes Perry

123: Getting Comfortable with Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace with Lily Zheng, Author, Consultant and Executive Coach

Lily Zheng is an organizational consultant, executive coach, and diversity & inclusion expert who works with organizations to turn positive intentions into positive impact. She works to create just, inclusive, and innovative workplaces for her clients through data-driven assessments, strategic advising, training, and collaborative content creation. A dedicated changemaker and advocate, she has co-authored multiple books and had her work published in the New York Times, Quartz at Work, Entrepreneur, and HR Executive.

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Rhodes Perry Rhodes Perry

122: Believe in Plenty, and Believe in Enough with Georgia Lee Hussey, Founder + CEO of Modernist Financial

Georgia Lee Hussey is the Founder and CEO of Modernist Financial, a B Corp wealth management firm dedicated to helping progressive people structure their wealth around their values. Her mission is to build a world where smart, creative people feel permission to enjoy today while providing a stable financial base for our common future. Before launching Modernist, Georgia worked for national and local financial firms as a CFP. Prior to working in finance, she was a sculptor and writer.

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Rhodes Perry Rhodes Perry

121: Come Out of the Entrepreneurial Closet with Seth Vermilyea, Founder of the ComingOutTarot

Seth Vermilyea is a tarot reader with a passion for serving the LGBTQ community. Since launching ComingOutTarot, Seth has helped his queer clients confirm where they are today and gives them the steps they need to achieve their goals tomorrow. He received his first tarot deck at 10, came out of the closet at 19, and officially came out of the tarot closet at 40 with ComingOutTarot. He uses tarot to make sense of his client’s queer experiences in an increasingly challenging hetero-and-cis-normative world. Seth and his husband live in Chicago with their rescue ferrets.

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