Rhodes Perry Rhodes Perry

120: Let Executive Coach, Danny Ceballos, Inspire You to Define Your Personal Values and Align Them with Your Business

Danny Ceballos, is a leadership consultant, trainer and executive coach helping the nonprofit and healthcare leader to be "the kind of best boss everyone wants to work for." He is the founder and principal for Unleashed Consulting, and he firmly believes that people will bring their best, authentic, and most productive selves to their work when they nurture their own personal "performance operating system" - that unleashes their unique leadership superpowers.

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Rhodes Perry Rhodes Perry

119: Recognize that Everything You Want is Just on the Other Side of Uncomfortable with Heather Vickery, Founder & CEO of Vickery and Co.

Heather Vickery is a Success Coach & Fellow Podcaster with over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur. Heather helps her clients build better business strategies that elevate their lives and businesses to new levels of success. She runs a series of workshops and is a public speaker where she trains other entrepreneur’s on getting to the empowering side of fear, creating balance, time management, as well as countless systems, strategies, and boundaries. Working with Heather inspires people to say, “So what, do it scared” and take real action towards their dreams.

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