017: Build a Business Around Your Passions, Skills, and Target Market’s Needs with Stan Kimer from Total Engagement Consulting

After 31 years of working in the corporate America, Stan Kimer retired and started his "encore career" forming Total Engagement Consulting, a diversity and career development consultancy. In the diversity arena, Stan is conversant in all areas of diversity and inclusion, and has deep expertise in the LGBTQ marketplace and workplace. Earlier this year, Stan’s firm partnered with Kannetic, Inc. to launch the LGBT Inclusion Builder. It’s a technology solution that offers enormous potential to support workplace leaders more fully welcome and engage LGBTQ employees and communities.

This Episode is Sponsored By

·      Rhodes Perry Consulting, LLC

·      Register for the HR & Diversity Master Class

·      Learn about Equity & Inclusion & Get a Free Gift!

Questions Answered in this Episode

·      Who is Stan Kimer?

·      What does his business do?

·      Why is it important to build a business that centers around your passions?

·      What does Stan think about the concept of being authentic at work?

·      How can you get in touch with Stan?

Resources Shared in this Episode

·      Email Stan at Stan@TotalEngagementConsulting.com

·      Visit Stan’s Business Website Here

·      Set up a free demo of the LGBT Inclusion Builder

The Out Entrepreneur Community

·      The Out Entrepreneur Facebook Community

·      Join the #OutEntrepreneurPodcast Revolution!

·      Listen, Download, & Subscribe on iTunes

Rhodes’ Top 3 Recommended Resources

1. Acuity Scheduling is a wonderful system for solopreneur’s and those looking to maximize staff time on the tasks that matter most. Let Acuity take care of the scheduling, and enjoy the first month free when you visit: https://goo.gl/Cduy4a

2. Quickbooks Self-Employed software will take care of everything from tracking trip mileage to managing your quarterly taxes. If you’re considering a simple bookkeeping solution look no further! Try Quickbooks today, and enjoy 50% off of your first 6 months when you visit: http://fbuy.me/excvF.

3. FreshBooks cloud accounting is a great resource if you’re exchanging time for money and you need a simple solution for tracking project hours, invoicing clients, and managing payments. Consider trying FreshBooks for one month of free service when you visit: https://goo.gl/Z6vFBt

Rhodes Perry

Rhodes Perry, MPA is an award-winning social entrepreneur, best-selling author, and keynote speaker. He helps leaders build belonging at work to achieve industry breakthroughs. His firm offers transformative leadership development, change management, and capacity building solutions for senior executives focused on advancing their organizations’ diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) commitments. Nationally recognized as a LGBTQ+ thought leader, he has two decades of government and nonprofit experience having worked at the White House, PFLAG National, and the City of New York. Media outlets like Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and the Associated Press have featured his powerful work as a (DEI) influencer.


018: Create the Business Solution that You See Missing with Karen Peterson from Green Thumb Natural Medicine


016: Learn How to Solve a Deep Problem for Your Target Market with Ajay Bam, an International Serial Entrepreneur